Riau Island

Well here it is, many of you would have encountered in Batam, Batam has been better known by the motto of many visitors, the situation is too many guests who come in here, did his business work, but the streets who can not stand it. Outside of work matters, you will be faced with several choices, including:

Want to sport, in Batam alone there are 6 international golf courses not to mention in NEWLANDS, kabarnye is supposedly the best golf courses in Asia

Go shopping, please Nagoya muter2 in surrounding areas, there are many shops selling perfumes, leather bags, electronics, mobile phones, all imported goods including mixed nuts are imported from Malaysia.

Want to Singapore, only takes about ± 1 hour to reach by ferry across the country and also many choices schedule every 30 minutes there from morning till evening, just keep in mind not all passport fees viskal released, because the free is only for passport derived from the province of Riau, West Sumatera, South Sumatera, Jambi, Bengkulu and Riau Islands own course, while outside the province will have to pay Rp500.000, 00 (five hundred thousand rupiah).

Or just a walk, please direct your goals to the Bridge which is a series of Tema 6 pieces 7 bridge linking the island. It was said Bridge Fisabilillah or commonly known as The Bridge is jembata most beautiful and highest in Indonesia, something like Bridge in Fransansisco is. On the way down Bridge Tema, we can stop for a moment on Galang Island which is a Vietnamese refugee shelters, boats and even ships carrying refugees from across the sea is still there.

Destinations in Batam Island

1. Batam View Resort

An alternative place of recreation and golf courses in the area Nongsa. There are some activities undertaken by each resort, golf course and marina to attract tourists visit, such as Singapore Straits Regatta, regatta international level.

2. Golf Courses

We have 6 international standard golf courses, namely: Tering Bay Golf & Country Club, Palm Springs Golf & Beach Resort, Puri Indah Golf & Resort, Paradise Bay Golf & Resort,, Southlinks Golf & Country Club, Tamarin Santana Golf & Country Golf .

3. Bridge Tema

For public services, all major islands linked by road trans Tema jebatan which includes six large, namely: Tengku Fisabilillah bridge, Nara Lion Bridge II, Raja Ali Haji Bridge, Bridge of Sultan Zainal Abidin, lord Tambusai Bridge, and Little King Bridge.

4. Nagoya

Visitors who have business and shopping destination, most chose to occupy the Nagoya area and love match. This place is also available berbintan hotels and entertainment venues.

5. Bintan

Angsana Resort & Spa Bintan, besides, there are also golf courses.

6. Batamindo Industrial

Is one of the industrial area located in the region Muka Kuning - BATAM. We have a number of industries located in this area about 80 industries.

Natuna Island Tours

1. Cape Coast

Cape Coast is located in the village of Tanjung, 18 kilometers or 30 minutes from the City Ranai one tourist destination for the citizens of East Bunguran District. Cape Coast can be used to swim with a beach scene and the South China Sea Islands are a Senoa small island located in Cape Coast which is 5 km2 with the distance using the speed boat approximately 20 minutes from the capital district.

2. Stone Sindu

Sindu stone located approximately 2 kilometers from the City of East Bunguran Ranai District. This location can be reached by land vehicles

3. Coast Side

The beach is located in District Serasan is the longest beach in Natuna regency approximately 7 kilometers and is known to have white sand.

4. Generations Waterfall

Generations Waterfall located approximately 4 kilometers from the capital Siantan District. This waterfall has 7 levels with 100 meters altitude above sea level and emptying into the sea.

5. Padang beach pacing

Padang beach is located in District stepped length Jemaja coast approximately 7 miles and is known as the white sand

6. Coral Reefs in the Islands Anambas

Anambas Islands have a very good coral reefs and potential for the development of marine tourism, diving and snorkeling.

7. Penyengat Island Tours

The island is still included in this group of Riau Islands has an area about 3.5 kilometers. This island is hilly, the soil consists of sand mixed with gravel, while the sloping beach, muddy and interspersed with rocks. Among Tanjungpinang Penyengat Island and there is a wide strait of about 1.5 miles that can be passed by a motor boat or commonly called pompong.

In the past, the island opposite the Riau River estuary has always been a dismissal of the sailors, especially for taking fresh water. It is said that the sailors who were attacked by taking this kind of water called a stinger bees to fall victim soul. Insects are considered sacred and the island was then called Indra Sakti Penyengat Island. In the further development of this island better known as the Island Penyengat until now.

The island is a witness of history, recorded during the wake of the war between the Kingdom of the Netherlands Riau (1782-1794 AD), Island Penyengat made an important stronghold. Raja Muda Riau Lord IV (famous with the title of Raja Raja Shahid Fisabilillah Ketapang Bay) led the war with the Dutch, established fortifications in the kingdom of Riau Jaafar, namely Penggawa Hill, Bukit Tengah and Bukit Kursi. These castles are equipped with guns in various sizes.

In an era of Sultan Mahmud Shah (1761-1812 AD), when he married the king Mempura binti Haji Shahid Fisabilillah around 1801 AD, the island was handed over to the Empress as her dowry or dowry. The role is very important Penyengat Island in the historical kingdom of Riau, hence the island is relatively small so it became famous and attract attention. In addition there is still a powder magazine, the castle and the moat, on the island is still there Penyengat objects relic of the past.

For example relic Melayu Riau Kingdom-Linga of the rest of the Palace building Sultan Abdul-Linga, the tomb of Raja Ali Haji of Riau Malays poet known for Gurindamnya, the tomb of King Jafar, and others. At the Masjid Raya Sirih Island built in 1882, there are also several collections of historical relics such as the Book of the holy Qur'an are written by hand and antique carved pulpit.

If you want a landscape that is more refreshing, eye-object can be diverted to other, more interesting. Like natural landscape quite beautiful, both on the beach or in the hills. You can also see the traditional village residents, Stempel and artistic attractions. Penyengat Island was difficult to reach. Proximity to the City Tanjungpinang and smooth communications facilities, giving it easy for you to visit.