Icon Idea Coast sulawesi-indonesia

Object One foreign tourist was ear the foreign and local tourists is the "Beach Lake Matano idea". The beach is beautiful panorama store, beautiful, and still very alami.Keindahannya not less attractive to the beach of Sanur and Kuta beach in Bali. Friendliness of the people by tribes who still adhere to traditional istiadatnya with various dances are still very unfamiliar to tourists who come to visit the beach, even this dikecamatan sekitarnyapun.Tempat frequented by foreign workers who worked in the company of PT. INCO SOROWAKO.yang use their holiday. There is already a lot of people who pay attention to this recreation area, the Government of East Luwu have also seen the enormous potential of these beaches. Together with the government, PT. INCO began to rehabilitate these areas in order to meet the free market, where one day the East Luwu will be a tourist destination and place of business that will match a period dating to remember the area - other areas have felt claustrophobic. Beach idea recently experienced rehabilitation designers supported by PT INCO (International Nickel Indonesia Tbk. Beach locations are in Sorowako idea, East Luwu district, South Sulawesi. means provided is: starting from the tribe Padoe cuisine, dishes from various regions lainjuga there. Entertainment facilities, Parker facilities, public transportation, rental, sports facilities, the arena where the play, until the facility where the pool and the mincing fresh fish. There are many other recreational facilities on the coast of ideas other than adjacent to each other so that facilitate us to reach them with a limited time.